Moto Development offers personalized one on one training, online training programs and coaching, and riding classes with up to 20 other riders.

• Overcome • Adapt • Develop

• Overcome • Adapt • Develop

The Moto Development is about constant improvement on a dirtbike. With The Moto Development, every bit of information is understood, and applied. Whether that is a one on one private lesson, or a class of twenty riders, the philosophy stays the same. Moto Development is about something I believe is one of the most important luxuries of life…growth.



In 2006 I began riding dirtbikes. Immediately, I knew racing professionally was what I wanted to do. Now, in 2024, I am able to do so, and pass on what I have learned from some of the best trainers in the world. I wouldn’t have gotten to where I am without my dedication, consistency, and work ethic. These are traits I enjoy teaching and preaching to new and experienced riders. My way of teaching is understandable, appliable, and effective.

This is Moto Development by Ty Lepicier.